Izgleda da se radi o nekim council bestates/b, a oni su u Engleskoj (posebno severoistocnoj, gde se nalazi Sunderland, koji je stvarno tuga od mesta iako se nalazi nadomak jednog od najlepsih delova Engleske, Northumberlanda) smisljeno b..../b Englesku zbog toga dovela na ivicu gradjanskog rata (5. oktobar je mala maca za masovne sorke izmedju brudara/b strajkaca u Yorkshireu i policije u leto 1984. Two tribes od Frankie goes to Hollywood je upravo stvar o tim sorkama iako se u ...
It is more evidence of the sad state of the United States that it is only saved from absolute disaster by the fact it is being run as a dictatorship by the old American Establishment. It remains to be seen whether they can keep this up under President bRudary/b. ... bVacation/b Matters - Julia LevittNorth American Summit Looks at Time Poverty and bVacation/b Law The United States is the only nation other than the Guyanas, Nepal, and Myanmar wi... 40 minutes ago ...